As promised, though a little late, here is the Processing code.
// The Import Libraries
import netscape.javascript.*;
import java.util.Calendar.*;
import java.lang.Math.*;
import processing.serial.*;
// Variables Galore
int Hour = hour();
int Min = minute();
int Sec = second();
int doy = 0;
float latitude = (float)Math.toRadians(42.220); // Ann Arbor
float longitude = 83.75; // Ann Arbor
float YrFract = 0;
float eqtime = 0;
float decl = 0;
float time_offset = 0;
float tst = 0;
float ha = 0;
float za = 0;
float azim = 0;
float alt = 0;
int azimswitch=0;
int spos=0;
int wpos=0;
Serial port; // The serial port
void setup()
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); // Open the serial port.
azimswitch=0; // Make sure the switch is zeroed.
void draw()
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
doy = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
Hour = hour();
Min = minute();
Sec = second();
YrFract = 2*PI/365*(doy-1+(Hour-12)/24); // Fractional Year, Radians
eqtime = 229.18*(0.000075+0.001868*cos(YrFract)-0.032077*sin(YrFract)-0.014615*cos(2*YrFract)-0.040849*sin(2*YrFract)); // Equation of Time, Minutes
decl = 0.006918-0.399912*cos(YrFract)+0.070257*sin(YrFract)-0.006758*cos(2*YrFract)+0.000907*sin(2*YrFract)-0.002697*cos(3*YrFract)+0.00148*sin(3*YrFract); // Declination, Radians
time_offset = eqtime-4*longitude+60*5; // Solar Time Offset, Minutes
tst = Hour*60+Min+Sec/60+time_offset; // True Solar Time, Minutes
ha = (float)Math.toRadians((tst/4)-180); // Solar Hour Angle, Radians
za = acos(sin(latitude)*sin(decl)+cos(latitude)*cos(decl)*cos(ha)); // Zenith Angle, Radians
azim = acos(-(sin(latitude)*cos(za)-sin(decl))/(cos(latitude)*sin(za))); // Azimuth, Radians, Clockwise from North
azim = (int)(float)Math.toDegrees(azim);
// Utilize a switching process to determine if it is before or after zenith.
if (azimswitch==0){
azim = azim - 90;
else if (azimswitch==1){
azim = 270 - azim;
// Change switch when necessary.
if ((int)azim==90){
azimswitch = 1;
else if ((int)azim==180){
azimswitch = 0;
alt = (float)(Math.toDegrees(za)); // Calculate altitude from Zenith Angle
// Print out to check whether or not calculations are correct.
// Stop the machine from turning too far.
if((int)azim < azim =" 0;"> 180){
azim = 180;
alt = alt/2; // Mirror-aiming correction
update((int)alt,180-(int)azim); // Run the update to write to the servo.
delay(1000); // Only read once a second.
void update(int spos, int wpos)
//Output the servo position ( from 0 to 180)
Took awhile to write, but it works well. I also had a gimmicky little touchpad controller code:
* Servocontrol (derived from processing Mouse 1D example.)
* Updated 24 November 2007
// Use the included processing code serial library
import processing.serial.*;
int gx = 15;
int gy = 35;
int spos=90;
int wpos=90;
float leftColor = 0.0;
float rightColor = 0.0;
Serial port; // The serial port
void setup()
size(720, 720);
colorMode(RGB, 1.0);
println(Serial.list()); // List COM-ports
//select second com-port from the list
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
void draw()
rect(150, 320, gx*2, gx*2);
fill(180 - (mouseX/4));
rect(450, 320, gy*2, gy*2);
void update(int x, int y)
//Calculate servo postion from mouseX
spos= x/4;
wpos= y/4;
//Output the servo position ( from 0 to 180)
// Just some graphics
leftColor = -0.002 * x/2 + 0.06;
rightColor = 0.002 * x/2 + 0.06;
gx = x/2;
gy = 100-x/2;
I'll post information on the two-week project soon.
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