Thursday, October 8, 2009

SmartSurfaces, Day Four, 10/2/09

Day four saw us present our extremely awesome solar tracker, which was, as I said, extremely awesome. I unfortunately do not have any video or images of it (I haven't succeeded in remembering my camera for class yet), but there are a variety of images throughout blogs of my teammates. From this point forward, I am going to build an overarching blog post for each out-of-class project, which will hopefully be all-encompassing (and not give me carpal tunnel). As such, the in-class pieces will become shorter and shorter as the important parts of class become more fluid in time.

The project assigned on day four was extremely open-ended - design a heliotropic surface. Make it do something. That's it. Simple, yet extremely complex. As I said, project will be covered in another post.

I'd like to try to make a minimum of 3-4 posts a week from this point forward - one each of Project, Conceptual, Coding, and Miscellaneous. No guarantees that the Miscellaneous post will have anything to do with the class in more than an abstract sense, in fact it may just be something sweet that I saw online that I just had to share. Prepare for an onslaught of posts starting next week... let's see how well I can keep to my minimums.

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